Ellie Lindström

Dried Fruit

The apricot (Prunus armeniaca)
is a species of Prunus, classified with the plum in the subgenus Prunus. The native range is somewhat uncertain due to its extensive prehistoric cultivation
Vibrant not only in flavor and color our moist and chewy apricots are great and ideal for snacks.
Rich in vitamin A, Apricots are a good source of potassium and magnesium, two minerals that give the body endurance, energy and stamina. In fact, many with potassium deficiencies see their blood counts leap up after adding dried apricots, dates, peaches, figs, prunes and raisins to their diets!
Apricots also contain iron, important for blood building and silicon, necessary for beautiful skin and hair.Finally apricots are extremely rich in beta carotene and are an excellent source of carontenoids,which may help to prevent cancer. (Ongoing studies)

It is originally from tropical Southeast Asia, where there are still wild species. From there, it spread to Africa and the Canary Islands.
In Northern Europe, the course is a fairly new acquaintance, and only in early 1900 Began regular banana imports to Sweden.Bananas are an excellent source of potassium.Bananas can help cure an upset stomach by stimulating the production of mucus and cells in the stomach, thus creating a barrier between the stomach lining and the acids that cause upset stomachs and heartburn.

Black currant
also known as the “Cassis” in French
Blackcurrant bush is a small shrub (1-2 m high) which belongs to the genus and family rips ripsväxter. Berries are black, sweet, slightly tart and ripens around July and grow in clusters 5-10 cm long
Plants from Asia are sometimes distinguished as a separate variety Ribes nigrum var. sibiricum, or even as a separate species Ribes cyathiforme.
The demand for blackcurrants have risen sharply in recent years in Europe. The main reason is that the exposed dairy industry has begun to develop new products, such as smoothies, probiotic drinks, etc. which is flavoured with beneficial berries and fruits.

Coconut Flakes
Coconut tree is called ‘the tree of life’ and the fruit is also called the ‘fruit of life’. The fruit is popular for various medicinal as well as culinary uses
Diced dried coconut is perfect to snack on. Mix in yogurt or granola for a real treat
Coconut palm (Cocos nucifera) is a 20-30 m tall tree that grows wild in the southern hemisphere, especially along the coasts. Coconut palm trees belonging to the family and is the only species in the genus Cocos.
Its fruit, coconut, growing in groups of 10-20 pieces and ripen throughout the year
Cocos name comes from the Portuguese coco, which is the name of a monkey.

first named by early European settlers in America who felt the expanding flower, stem, calyx, and petals resembled the neck, head, and bill of a crane.
Another name used in northeastern Canada is mossberry. The traditional English name for Vaccinium oxycoccos, fenberry, originated from plants found growing in fen (marsh) lands.
This delicious dried fruit has a distinctive taste perfect for snacks and exceptional for baking muffins, breads, and cereals.
Cranberries contain proanthocyanidins (PACs) that can prevent the adhesion of certain types of bacteria, including E. coli, associated with urinary tract infections to the urinary tract wall. The anti-adhesion properties of cranberry may also inhibit the bacteria associated with gum disease and stomach ulcers.
2.Recent scientific research shows that cranberries and cranberry products contain significant amounts of antioxidants and other phytonutrients that may help protect against heart disease, cancer and other diseases.

Date palms (Phoenix dactylifera) is a species of palm trees which can grow up to 35 m tall and grows well in the oases. Palmen particularly appreciated for its fruit, dates.
Date palms are since 6000 years back known in the Middle East. Since the cultivated so long is its exact origin unknown, but it probably comes from the desert in northern Africa or possibly southwestern Asia.
Dates are loaded with the energy you need every day to win a marathon or get you through a tough day. With only 24 calories per date (248 per 100 gram serving), dates are high in dietary fiber, carbohydrates, and contain more potassium than bananas! Yet they are virtually fat, cholesterol and sodium free!
Dates are rich in sugar. During the Muslim month of Ramadan is a tradition of eating dates and yogurt and drink water as the first meal when the night falls.

which is a member of the Mulberry family. Figs, which grow in southern Europe and in countries around the Figs can also be found in continental climate with hot summer, as far north as Hungary, and can be picked twice or three times a year.
The majority of figs are dried, either by exposure to sunlight or through an artificial process, creating a sweet and nutritious dried fruit that can be enjoyed throughout the year. ce per year.
Figs are an excellent source of potassium, a mineral that helps to control blood pressure. Since many people not only do not eat enough fruits and vegetables. Figs are also a good source of dietary fibre which had a positive effect on weight management.

Goji Berries
Berry contains many beneficial substances such as antioxidants, minerals and vitamins.
Goji berries are extremely rich in antioxidants that protect the body from free radicals. The berries have a strong red colour due to their high levels of carotenes.

which corresponds to English Chinese gooseberry. The fruit derives orginally from China.
Kiwifruits were introduced to the western world at the beginning of the 20th century – when the missionary Isabel Frasier (the principal of of Wanganui Girls’ College) introduced them to New Zealand after visiting missions in China.
The fruit was renamed for export marketing reasons in the 1950s; briefly to melonette, and then later by New Zealand exporters to kiwifruit. This name “kiwifruit” comes from the kiwi k? a brown flightless bird and New Zealand’s national symbol, and also a colloquial name for the New Zealand people.
This fruit consists of a hairy, brown peel containing green flesh, with white pulp in the center, surrounded by black, edible seeds. The fruit has a sweet taste, similar to a mixture of banana, pineapple and strawberry. Kiwi fruits are native to China, where they were called “macaque peach”
Nutrition-wise, kiwi fruits contain about as much potassium as bananas, and also contain 1.5 times the DRI for Vitamin C. It is also rich in Vitamins A and E, and its black seeds can be crushed to produce kiwi fruit oil, which is very rich in Alfa-Linoleic Acid (an important Omega-3 essential fatty acid.

Lingonet berries, also called lingonberry, is edible, and picked in August-September. Cultivation of Lingonberry Plants is rare and the berries are most often picked from wild plants.
In Norway they are called Lingon for “Tytt Baer,” Finland “Puolukka, and in parts of Alaska and Canada they are known as” Rock Cranberry “or” Mountain Cranberry.
Some Lingonberry are compared with commercially grown cranberries, but one can nevertheless say that the Lingonberries have a distinct and more intense flavor than other berries.

Burma and the Himalayas. It is known that mangoes grown in India several thousand years before our era. From there it spread to Southeast Asia, including Malaysia and China.Descriptions from the early shows had a very large crop. Portuguese and Spanish sailors brought mangoes with him to Africa and America, particularly Brazil and Mexico
Mango is a large, up to 40 m tall tree, with broad crown. The flowers are in a position of major peaks containing several thousand flowers. There are many different kinds of mangoes and they vary in shape, color, taste, texture and nutritional.

belonging to Cucumis and is an annual climbing plant.
Sugar melon derived from warm parts of Asia where the cultivated for thousands of years. Via Asia Minor, then spread it to Europe and Africa, when exactly this happened is not known.
Melons are grown in greenhouses in colder countries and in the open in warmer countries. China and the U.S. are among the largest producers of sugar melon.

After the discovery of America was spread papayas to the world. It was established quickly papaya cultivation in India and then the cultivation of papaya has spread to Africa and South America.
Today it is grown throughout the tropics of Brazil, Indonesia and Mexico as the largest producers.
Papaya is a palm-like trees. The fruit is pear-shaped, fleshy, and can weigh up to 10 kg.

pineapple plants that originally belongs to Brazil and Bolivia, but which today has spread around the world.
Christopher Columbus was the first European who tasted pineapple and also introduced it to Europe. A cultivated pineapple plant lives in a maximum of 3 years. When the plant is 2 – 3 years it bears fruit, then it withers and dies.
We offer a wide range of dried pineapples in various shapes and designs.

shape, color and taste. They learn to come from West Asia (the Caucasus and Caspian Sea) and there should be more than 2,000 varieties.
Some varieties have flesh was grown at the center, while others have the core underlying charge in the middle of the fruit. Plums are good to eat natural.

Raisins. black
dried berries (grapes) of various types of grapevine, Vitis vinifera L. Raisins are very sweet in taste since they contain much sugar.
Most used sugar-rich grapes from the Mediterranean and California raisins, but production is destined mainly for domestic consumption takes place in a large variety of places, for example, in Xinjiang, China. Cherry has different characteristics for the different grape Act and the different treatment and may be as different names.
The grapes are dried either in the sun, and then sometimes even left sitting on the vines, whose bunches left hanging on the half-cut through the stems, or by artificial heat. By drying shrinks the grapes, become wrinkled, crumpled and sugar content in them is concentrated. Raisins have a moisture content of about 20% and a sugar content of about 60%.

which in turn belongs to the family Rosaceae.
The name strawberry aimed at both the plant and the berry. From a botanical point of view, strawberry not a berry but a show of fruit, that is, a swollen flower base. The actual fruit is “the fruit” yellow dots. Bears are as immature greenish and ripens towards deeper red. There is also a white variant of the strawberry, it lacks the red color and can be eaten by people with allergies who can not tolerate the usual red strawberries.
The modern strawberry is a cross between the South American giant strawberry (F. Chiloensis) and North American scharlakanssmultron (Q. virginiana), which was subsequently crossed with European park strawberries (F. moschata). The first strawberries were grown up in France during the 1700s and introduced in Sweden in the second half of the 1700s.
When strawberries were introduced in Sweden in the late 1700s known as the pineapple strawberries because its Latin name (F. ananassa).